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Expert Witness Registration
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I understand and acknowledge that my duty as an expert witness is to the court as to matters within my expertise, and that this overrides any obligation to any party paying my fee. I further understand and acknowledge that I am required to declare any financial or economic interest of myself of any person or organisation connected with me in accordance with Order 39, rule 57 of the Rules of the Superior Courts.
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Print edition

I wish to include an advertisement in The Decisis Expert Witness Almanac 2021, a full-colour printed book to be circulated to all Irish solicitors’ firms in May 2021.
The publication of the print edition of the Expert Witness Almanac 2021 is dependent on a sufficient number of registrants and advertisers. Decisis and its employees reserve the right to decide not to publish the print edition, and to refund registrants and advertisers with any funds paid for this publication.
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