“The court agreed with the defendant’s argument to exclude the expert’s testimony on the breach of the standard of care because these were legal conclusions. The court further noted that the expert was not qualified to testify because there was no evidence of his employers, length of marine industry employment, level of education and training, or job duties. The court also asserted that there was no evidence of the relation between his qualifications and the case facts.
The court further stated that the expert had not demonstrated how his expertise had informed his opinions. The expert had not performed any analysis nor had his opinions had not been subject to peer review or verification. He only reviewed video footage and deposition testimony for his expert report.”
Link to decision: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCOURTS-flsd-1_17-cv-21225/pdf/USCOURTS-flsd-1_17-cv-21225-0.pdf