A very useful discussion. See this excerpt:
“As a firsthand example, the use of visual aids and hearing room technology recently proved valuable during a witness conferencing session (colloquially known as “hot-tubbing,” an approach increasingly common in international arbitration whereby both experts are examined together). At one point during proceedings, an issue arose that could only be addressed by reference to detailed financial records. We were able to hand up to the tribunal visual representations of relevant key facts we had prepared in advance to support our view, and that helped to more clearly articulate the position. At another point, when challenged by our opposing expert, technology and an immediate visual display of a key document retrieved from the arbitration file enabled us to effectively rebut the relevant point (notably, our client won on these, and all other, points).”
Full article here: http://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2019/11/23/creating-compelling-expert-testimony-in-international-arbitration-using-visual-aids/